And yesterday the images arrived of Lindy’s weaving of the giraffe still on the loom. I smiled, she captured it perfectly. I think everyone will smile at this little piece of Africa in hand-spun, hand-dyed, hand woven wool.
The rugs are 100% natural, cotton warp, wool weft. They are spun and dyed and woven by the women of the cooperative into delightful and durable small rugs - 2' x 3 1/2' . The cost is $200, shipping included and a promise that the first 8 rugs ordered will be delivered by Christmas. If we can get 25 orders for these new rugs, the women will end the year with a bang and the holidays will be celebratory for all. If you would like to be a part of my effort to support the women of Mapusha, instructions for rug ordering are below. If you want to support the women but would rather give a donation than order a rug there is a paypal button for donations on their website -http://www.mapusha.org/shop. For a rug Email me - judithbmiller@gmail.com with your request. I will send you an order form and invoice with payment instructions by check or credit card (Paypal link) You will receive a picture of your piece in process Your special Mapusha tapestry will be delivered either in early December or early February. |